The exhibition’s title, ENDLESS PRAYER: เพ็งๆ พาๆ หาๆ ฤๅๆ “Peng Peng – Pa Pa – Ha Ha – Rue Rue” invokes the incantation of Thai famous monk, Phrarajbrahmayan. This incantation is also known as the chant of wealth, which is believed to bring luck and prosperity to those who have faith. This intriguing title underscores a significant aspect in Thai culture, where beliefs are intricately woven into the fabric of capitalist society.
Exploring the Intersection of Belief, Capitalism, and Artistry
Join us for a captivating exploration of art that delves deep into Thai society’s intricate relationship between belief systems and capitalism. We proudly present the “ENDLESS PRAYER”, the first solo exhibition of Sirawit Chatu.
Sirawit Chatu, (also known as Pun), boldly challenges the conventional beliefs and sacred traditions by the use of his various artistic practices. Through his thought-provoking artworks, Sirawit creates the juxtaposition of religion and pop culture prompting the audience to reappraise their beliefs and perceptions toward social norms. With a unique ‘Thai style’, Sirawit masterfully weaves humor into his creations, unraveling the seriousness that veils holiness.

PRETTY PLEASE! (No.5)75,000 ฿
PRETTY PLEASE! (No.4)75,000 ฿
PRETTY PLEASE! (No.3)75,000 ฿
PRETTY PLEASE! (No.2)75,000 ฿
PRETTY PLEASE! (No.1)75,000 ฿